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Showing posts from December, 2017

Dimensional Shapes Project

We had to draw 6 shapes using the intersection point. Mine is my name and someone that is special to me’s name mixed. The boxes at the top and bottom are quotes that’s mean something to me.

Dimensional Shades

This was the dimensional squares used to be regular squares.

Free draw

My free draw Concludes the first letter of someone that was special to me and mine. It shows that we are not the same person as you see the colors are on different sides sand our letters are different sides.

Portfolio Back

This is the back of my Portfolio.  This just shows my first  and last name.

My Goals

These are the things I like. It explains that I have a girly side to be as well as a serious boy sports side to me

3D Project

This was also important people to me and i used these colors because i like warm colors as well as cool colors or bright colors.

Portfolio Front

These were the important people in my life as well as important dates.

Mandala Painting

I used blues because that is my favorite color. The reason it looks so weird is that I messed up and basically gave up and started coloring in pencils. I had this big idea of what I wanted but, it was a bit too much for me.